Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Child like forgiveness (you thought I was going to say faith)

My girls, You teach me so much all the time.  I am not a perfect mother by any stretch of the imagination.  No one knows this better then the two of you.  There are times I am impatient and need to slow my pace down.  There are times my correction is to harsh or not done with the right tone of love.  There are times I am having a bad day and that plays on my mood and how I interact with you.  Well I had one of those days the other day.  I came to the both of you and said mommy was grumpy and I am sorry. I love you both more then words can say and I should know better.  You girls both got HUGE smiles on your face and said it is ok mommy we love you!  Then you both wrapped your arms around me and gave me the biggest hug.   Then you wanted me to read a book and the subject was closed.

You both in that moment were an awesome representation of Christ to me.  You forgave me instantly there was no lingering on it there were no stings attached.  You were thrilled with my apology and were eager to forgive and move on in love.  I pray you girls never outgrow that forgiving spirit.  Always forgive the way Christ forgives you.  Thank you for your unconditional love for me!  I pray I can follow your example and love and forgive as freely and instantly as you both do.

Monday, August 11, 2014

1st day of school 2014.

Wow summer sure has flown by!!  It has been a great time with you girls.  I love every minute I get to spend with you! I am so blessed to be your mom and thankful to be able to stay home with you.

Abby, it is hard to believe that you are in first grade! You went right into your classroom sat at your desk and were ready to start your day.  I pray you always have your eagerness to learn and to continue to take your time and and do your best for Jesus in all things.  You are my first born and I can't believe that tiny baby that seemed so small is now 6 and half in first grade. You will always be my baby no matter how old you are!

Maddie, you are my baby!  You are the last baby we will ever have unless the Lord decides otherwise. You were born early but you have always been strong.  You meet the world head on!  Today is your very first day of preschool.  You walked in confident and strong and ready to make this class yours.  Sure you got a little nervous and asked me to stay a little longer, but you were reassured when I reminded you I would pick you up after nap time.  I pray you always know how strong you are in the Lord and are never intimidated by any situation because You have Jesus.

I wish I knew from the start how fast this time would go.  Everyone said it would be fast but they didnt say it would be a blink of an eye..

I Love You!